The Pros & Cons of Double Chin Removal Treatments

Double Chin Removal Treatments
Published: June 9, 2021

Are you looking to sculpt and define your jawline? Sometimes, factors outside of our control such as genetics, hormonal changes, and aging can cause the appearance of a double chin. Sagging of the fat around the neck can cause a wrinkle, resulting in a double-chin. Weight is not the only reason for this condition, it can also be genetically predisposed, where the skin with little elasticity cannot hold the fat firmly.
Thanks to new technology and advances in non-surgical treatments, there is now a way you can remove that stubborn chin fat, tighten the skin and achieve that sculpted and defined jawline you’ve always wanted.

At Body Catalyst, we combine Fat Freezing and Ulfit HIFU skin tightening to drastically reduce the appearance of a double chin. The two treatments compliment each other as Fat freezing works by permanently eliminating stubborn fat under the chin, and HIFU works by tightening any loose and sagging skin, resulting in a more sculpted and defined jawline. The results are instant and continue to develop over 12 weeks.

– Fat Freezing: Cryolipolysis fat freezing is a breakthrough, non-invasive treatment that uses controlled cooling technology to permanently kill up to 30% of fat cells within each treatment, without the need for invasive surgery or post-treatment downtime. It is one of the most effective non-surgical ways to permanently remove stubborn pockets of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise. It works by cooling the targeted area to -9oC. As the fat cells cannot survive at this temperature, the cells then crystallise and die. Over the next 12 week the cells are then naturally metabolised by the body. The result: Permanent fat cell death in the targeted area. Removing any stubborn fat in the chin area.
Book a consultation and find out if this treatment is right for you.

– Ulfit HIFU Skin Tightening: Ulfit HIFU is a precisely controlled, micro-focused ultrasound energy that revitalizes the three important levels of the infrastructure of the skin offering maximum collagen rejuvenation, SMAS lift and contour without needles or downtime, to give you younger, tighter and more lifted skin. Micro-focused ultrasound energy is delivered precisely into multiple skin depths without damaging the surface of the skin. Creating more elasticity in order to hold fat more firmly and reduce the appearance of a double chin Results from HIFU can be seen immediately and continue to develop over 12 weeks.
Book a consultation and find out if this treatment is right for you.

Other non-surgical treatments for double chin removal:

– Fat-dissolving Injections: Fat-dissolving injections contain phosphatidylcholine (PPC), a naturally occurring substance found in body cells. PPC helps to break down and destroy the fat cells, which are then metabolized by the body. An alternative to surgical techniques, although fat dissolving injections are cost-effective and long-lasting, results are not instant and there are side effects, this usually includes, hardening of the skin around injection site, mild pain, light bruising, itching, numbness, bleeding and swelling on area of injections.

– Fillers: Fillers are gel-like substances injected beneath the skin to add volume. They are used to reduce wrinkles, plump lips, enhance or fill shallow areas on the face. Mostly safe, fillers can have some side effects such as rashes, itching, swelling, and bruising. The results can last from four months to a year. The results will vary from injector to injector. A major drawback of fillers is that the treatment does not remove the stubborn fat, but instead they give a slimmer appearance by adding volume to other areas. Another disadvantage is the results are only temporary, which means that the treatment will need to be repeated in order to upkeep the aesthetic.

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